The Parish Safeguarding Officer is Mrs. Glen Hampshire. You should contact the Leader of the Area where you have concerns about the safeguarding of children or vulnerable adults at St. Mary’s Church, Slindon or St. Margaret’s Church, Eartham. Alternatively you may wish to contact Mrs Glen Hampshire directly on 01243 542 692 to explain your concerns and she will advise you.
Chichester Diocese has a website dedicated to safeguarding issues and resources:
The Parish Safeguarding Officer ensures that the church is compliant with Diocesan policies and procedures. St Mary’s Safeguarding Policy is on display in the Church and there are is a hard copy file in the vestry with all the policy documents related to Safeguarding.
Below is a link to 4 Safeguarding policy documents including the Whistleblowing policy.
Safeguarding Policy (signed by the relevant officers and dated August 2023) in relation to children and vulnerable adults Click Here
Parish Whistleblowing Policy Click Here
Responding to Safeguarding Allegations Click here
E-Safety Policy Click here
There is a policy covering all aspects of Health & Safety which is available from the Church Wardens and appropriate checks and risk assessments are carried out.