Altar With Cross


Regular Services

We have a variety of services during the month to meet the needs of adults and families in our congregation. We certainly hope that there will be something for everyone.

The pattern we have adopted for regular services is set out below. Occasionally there are changes so please go to the Calendar to check the dates and times for the current week.

11.00am Matins (Book of Common Prayer)

11.00am Child-friendly Family Service (Informal)

11.00am Family Communion + 6.00pm Evensong (BCP) at Eartham Church during British Summer Time and at Slindon during the Winter

11.00am Parish Communion (Common Worship)

When this occurs we have a United Benefice Family Communion Service in one of our parish churches at 10.00am.

Special Services

We hold special services to celebrate events in the Church calendar and these are examples:

Ash Wednesday

Good Friday Service – morning service of prayers and readings.

Easter Day – Family Communion

Harvest Festival

Remembrance Sunday – 10.50am at the War Memorial followed by a special service in St Mary’s Church

Quiet Service of Remembrance – for people to remember loved ones who are no longer alive. Music and readings by candlelight. Arranged near to All Saints day.

Candlelit Carol Service – nearest Sunday to Christmas, usually 6.00pm start

Christmas Day – 11.00am Family Communion

Life Events – Traditionally the church has played a role at important moments of people’s lives: when born, at a christening; if getting married, at a wedding; and when we leave this world, at a funeral.

Our three churches here in Slindon, Eartham and Madehurst are available for any who want to have the support of the church at these important moments. Our churches are for everyone. Each service, whilst having a set form in part, is also flexible, so that it can be personalised to people’s preferences and wishes – in the context of ongoing pastoral care and support.

All our churches are over 800 years old and, for all that time, parishioners have used them for these moments. Today, too, everyone will be received with a welcome and loving care.

Please contact either our Parish Priest, Peter Dyson, or one of our Churchwardens.

Baptism & Confirmation

Parents are very much encouraged to bring their children to Baptism or for a Service of Thanksgiving on the birth of a child.

Confirmation is a special service where those who have already been baptised reaffirm their Baptismal promises.  Such services are often presided over by one of our Bishops or Archdeacons to emphasise the importance of this landmark on your faith journey.  Our Parish Priest will happily prepare you for this occasion.

Older children/adults who have not been baptised are welcome to make their own declaration of faith in a combined Baptism and Confirmation Service. Do speak to our Priest if you would like to know more.



Marriages, marriage blessings and renewal of vows are a joy in all our churches.

Firstly, many congratulations on your engagement.  In our parishes we combine the traditional with the modern and warmly welcome those who would like either to get married or have their marriage blessed – or, indeed, renew their vows.

If you would like to have a preliminary discussion as to the choices and how it all works, please contact the Parish Priest,  Peter Dyson.

The Priest has a legal duty to be satisfied that you can lawfully marry in the parish as part of making the arrangements.  These generally can be swiftly dealt with and all efforts will be made to realise your wishes for the event.

The Church of England has a dedicated website designed to help you with planning your wedding which you might find helpful: “Welcome to your Church Wedding“.

Funeral or Thanksgiving for a Life

These are services which allow us to express our sense of loss, to be thankful to the person we have known, to say farewell and to entrust them into God’s hands. If you would like to arrange a funeral or thanksgiving service contact our Priest, Peter Dyson.

There are many things to consider when a close relative has died, including funeral arrangements. For example, church or crematorium, burial or the scattering/internment of ashes.

Advice will also be given by the Funeral Director. The local firms include:

Kevin Holland, Bognor Regis 01243 868630

Reynolds Funeral Services, Littlehampton 01903 771010

Dillistone Funeral Service, Littlehampton 01903 726324

F A Holland & Son, Littlehampton 01903 713939

Family Communion @ St Mary's Slindon
Feb 16 @ 11:00 am – 12:00 pm
Evensong (BCP) @ St Mary's Slindon
Feb 16 @ 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Family Service @ St Mary Magdalene Madehurst
Feb 23 @ 10:00 am – 10:45 am
Parish Communion @ St Mary's Slindon
Feb 23 @ 11:00 am – 12:00 pm
1662 Holy Communion @ St Mary's Slindon
Feb 26 @ 10:30 am – 11:30 am